
After your treatment you may notice small red bumps at the injection site. This is normal and will only last a short time.
Please read and follow these aftercare instructions:
- If you have any bruising at the injection site you may apply an ice pack but do not press or rub as you may cause the antiwrinkle medication to spread after the treatment.
- Do not massage or rub the treated area for at least 48 hours . You can cleanse the area, wash your face as normal but do not use a scrub.
- Avoid activities where you are likely to perspire heavily for 48 hours eg heavy exercise, use a sauna.
- Do not lie face down for 24hrs or get any other treatments which would place pressure on the treated area.
- Using the muscles injected is recommended as it helps bind the antiwrinkle medication faster to the muscles. So give yourself permission to smile, frown and pout!
If you have any questions or concerns about your antiwrinkle treatment, please contact your Cosmetic Injector. Β
These guidelines are recommended during the first 24-48 hours following any injection treatment of dermal fillers.
- Please try to avoid the following:Massaging or putting excessive pressure on the treated area for at least 24 hours.
- Drinking alcohol as it may increase bruising or swelling.
- Taking blood thinning medications such as Aspirin/Disprin unless prescribed by your Doctor.
- Strenuous exercise and extreme hot temperatures
- Apply ice or cool compresses to the treated areas to relieve swelling and possible bruising.
- Drink water regularly throughout the day. Approximately eight glasses are recommended daily and the filler will draw in more fluid if you are hydrated.
- You may apply light water-based make-up or mineral make-up where necessary.
(dry ice), or laser treatments for 10-14 days after any dermal filler treatment.