PRP Treatments for Hair



Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an low risk advanced treatment which may help to stimulate hair growth in patients with Androgenic Alopecia, Male and Female pattern baldness, autoimmune disease or post partum hairloss.

PRP contains growth factors which are important in the regulation of the hair growth cycle. 

It involves taking a small sample of blood from the arm exactly like a blood test. This sample is placed in a centrifuge for 10 minutes where the PRP is separated and ready to use. It is then either injected and/or microneedled into the skin followed by Omnilux LED which has been shown to stimulate the hair follicle. The treatment itself is over within an hour and relatively pain free.

Results can take up to 8 weeks - 6 months to be visible and is very individual depending on factors such as general health, age, diet, smoking etc.

It is recommended that a series of 3 sessions are performed for optimal results approx 2 weeks apart, with one maintenance treatment at 6 months and then yearly if desired.

Post treatment is is recommended not to do the following:

- no ice to the areas injected

- no washing hair for 24 hours

- no use of hairdryer for 48 hours

- no wearing of old caps for 24 hours 

PRP Treatments for the Scalp - Slowing and Reversing Hair Loss for Men and  Women - EasyBlog - Calvine Medical Aesthetics Calvine Medical Aesthetics